Impressions: Ninja Gaiden 2

Well its me again bitches bringing my impression of Tecmo’s Ninja Gaiden 2 for the Xbox 360.

I haven’t played too much of it but I’ve felt that I’ve played enough of it to bring you all a decent impression. Well the story is somthing about some demons that want to do something thay involves ninjas. Didn’t really pay attention to the cutscenes because I really just wanted to kick some ninja ass.

It plays pretty well, gameplay wise, with the limb dimerberment, a decent combo system and stylish one hit kills. All pretty good. Its pretty responsive but you’ll find yourself button mashing at certain points just to kill somthing dead. I do have one complaint… This game is fuckin HARD . I mean HARD as fuck man. Everyone is stronger than you. Groups of enemies of three can kill you. The bosses are just glistening with strength. Theres enough to drive even the most hardcore gamer mad. Damn, I seriously mean this game will kick your ass over and over and over and over and over again. Get familiar with the game over ecreen because you will be seeing it atleast a thousand times.

Well, graphically, the game looks pretty nice as do most every Xbox360 game today. The games effects are nice. Sparks ignite when swords clash and when metal scrapes against something. Your enemies bleed a gleeful bright and vibrant scarlet red. The dead bodies of those retarded enough to oppose you don’t just disapper as most video game enemies tend to, they remain littered across the levels until you reach your next checkpoint. But this isn’t only some super awesome as hell graphical effect, because it also becomes a pain in the ass gameplay element because some enemeis will traverse your make-shift graveyard and use the limbs and pieces of their fallen comrades as weapons. Shits bullshit.

Well now we round off at one of the most annoying parts of the game. The fucking camera. I swear Team Ninja hired a blind fucking monkey to hold the damn camera. There’s times where you just have to swing everywhere blindy hoping you kill something because the camera just simply can’t comprehend how to cooperate. I mean… COME ON! In a game this fucking hard you need to see most of everything, am I right? So why in the hell is the camera such a frustrating piece of shit? Team ninja dropped the ball and kicked it somehwere because the camera just fucking sucks. Sure, there’s a button to center tha camera but that’s like giving a blind man a loaded pistol.

Overall its a good game. Its just hard as hell. Its a shame that such small problems that could’ve/should’ve been easily fixed kept this game from being perfect. It has a lot of potential. Well I guess Team Ninja might have to try again. As the old sayin goes third times the charm.

-My bottom line-
Annoying camera, punshing difficulty, cheap deaths. Great effects, great graphics, The saitisfation knowing you kicked this games ass is like no other, and it has some of the best kills and sound effects anywhere.

About the author

javaughn Whyte wrote 23 articles on this blog.

Well...honestly I like boobs, Batman, Spider-Man, and big screen televisions. This is where I just voice my opinion on Shit. Shit like current events, games, movies, comics..and maybe other Shit too..enjoy your stay!!!

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