Impressions: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

You know what popcorn are going to be. In some ways there is a low expectation for things, or no expectations. You pay your ticket fee and just hope for decent enough entertainment. I think that’s what On Stranger Tides was for me. Good popcorn and good entertainment. Not great, but enough of an adventure to say, yeah I enjoyed that film. I know the latest Pirates movie is getting bad reviews and in general it’s deserved. It felt like the installment was a missed opportunity. It had the assets, the setting, the characters, but fails to hit the mark completely. Dead Man’s Chest is still my favorite of the franchise. I’d honestly put On Stranger Tides right there with At World’s End. At World’s End had a little bit more umph, but that could really just be, we knew we were getting closure and things felt a bit more epic. On Stranger Tides really wasn’t as ridiculous however and that made me enjoy it more so in some ways. It’s tough to really put a stamp on it, but I appreciated how the latest Pirates movie really was it’s own reboot. It’s a self-contained story, but more so an adventure.

Much like the Indiana Jones films, it’s about the characters and what they do, the journey which makes these films enjoyable. I think really, if you come into this movie already somewhat fatigued with Jack Sparrow, you’ll come out being drained of his character. It is more Jack and Depp is up to his usual antics. I was more so surprised we finally saw Jack as a clumsy but completely competent pirate. His character has always been aloof and there was a doubt that he was just getting by on accident or fluke. It’s like the Mr. Bean syndrome, things just working out. But really you know deep down that Jack Sparrow isn’t dumb, he’s purposeful and a force to be reckoned with. That’s the Sparrow I saw in this movie and for me opens doors to what we might see in the future. The badass Jack Sparrow who stared down Kraken knowing full well he is about to face his death. I mean there was no better way to send off a Pirate in utter glory. On Stranger Tides is a Jack Sparrow film, with Bloom and Knightley being gone, Disney knew full well what direction they wanted to go in. I still think there is a lot of opportunity moving forward if Disney shows how expansive the world is within Pirates. The varying locales, the treasures and the mysteries. You keep that in check, show those off in beautiful manner and you’re good. On Stranger Tides I think suffers more from direction and cinematography versus the story. The directing is competent enough and I think that’s what the problem is. The journey is captured in a simplistic manner, rather than in an interesting manner. You’re wanting to be sucked into what’s going on, but some choices made always keep you at arm’s length. Kind of like being at the aquarium, where you want to knock on the glass, but you aren’t allowed to.

Other transition decisions seemed rushed or just off. There is a lot of immediate dark to light contrasts which I did not like. I saw this movie in 2D and while it was filmed in 3D and not post-converted. There really was just so much darkness in this film I don’t see how the 3D could’ve worked at all. Which brings to mind when viewing 3D films. Is it filmed in 3D, is it conceived and filmed in 3D or is it post-converted. What’s worth your price of admission? I thought the casting was spot on and in some new characters introduced, I was hoping for more. Again it could just have been how the events played out, but as competent as this film is. It feels like it missed the mark. I did enjoy it and will definitely be there moving forward to the next installments.

Blackbeard wasn’t as menacing as Davy Jones, casting was perfect for him but again you hoped more from Ian McShane. It’s just another instance where you feel he’s underutilized. It’s this cramped feeling you get, you only see a little bit of him, but it’s enough to pass along throughout the film. The mermaids is bonafide Pirates though, very very memorable.

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Ghost Dad wrote 56 articles on this blog.

I was named after my grandmama!

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