Quick Thoughts: Captain America The First Avenger

Captain America was ok. The most interesting parts I found were when Chris Evans was digitized as the smaller Steve Rogers, or the original one I should say. He played that roll well. I think the casting overall was excellent but seemingly under utilized. The two hours go by real fast and the action sequences are more montage than anything else, which really lessens the impact of things. You ... Read More!

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Afterthoughts: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2

I was wrong about the 8th movie, personally anyway. I honestly thought Transformers 3 was more enjoyable and that is not saying much at all. There were a couple things I really liked scene wise, but as a whole the movie was rushed. Having come off watching all 8 movies in the theatres for the past 2 months it’s just odd how they didn’t want to make this film longer than it was. ... Read More!

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Impressions: Transformers Dark of the Moon

I have absolutely no idea what happened in Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon. For a lack of a better phrase, that’s exactly how I describe watching Bay’s hopefully last installment in this franchise. It’s not to say the man didn’t do a serviceable job giving us a live-action experience of toys you may or may not have grown up to. It was just so evidently clear to me that ... Read More!

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