Impressions: Unthinkable

Unthinkable is that terrorist movie with Sam Jackson and Carrie Ann Moss. The villain is played by the guy who plays Lucian in the Underworld series. Movie was never released in the US, don’t know why. It could be cause of the subject matter. It’s a straight up terrorist movie with Iranians as the bad guys so it’s current events type thing. Basically dude plants 3 nuclear bombs in the US. The point of the movie is the torture of the villain whether it’s right or wrong, the moral implications of it, etc. The movie made me angry based on how the story plays out. It’s not a bad movie first off but maybe my scope of right and wrong and just doing the right thing even if it’s wrong. I mean one should do what they need to do and fact of the matter is there is someone always out there that has to do the dirty job no one wants to think of. Anyway I can’t even talk about the movie too much without spoiling. It has an alternate ending which I prefer, probably cause it lends more closure and the theatrical one tries to leave an open ended moral discussion. That’s not what this movie is, it tries to be but there are so many things that tell us otherwise that I think it really just says that sometimes we need to let the devil do it’s thing. That’s humanity. Anyway I’m really just digressing and rambling without giving any details, but maybe it’s enough to get you to check it out. It’s an interesting movie nonetheless, wasn’t the greatest but good enough for me.

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Ghost Dad wrote 56 articles on this blog.

I was named after my grandmama!

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